Pay Via Wire Transfer & Save

Bank Wire Instructions

See below for wiring details to purchase the ATS or Lifetime products.

Keep in mind, MAS Ventures LLC is the holding company that owns QuantVue.

Do not list QuantVue as the business name when sending any wires.

Bank Information:

Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
Bank Address: 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA, 94104

Account Information:

Account/Business Name: MAS Ventures LLC
Account/Business Address: 601 S Harbour Island Blvd, Ste 109, Tampa, FL, 33602
Account Number: 5303447709
Routing Number (Domestic Wires): 121000248
SWIFT Code (International wire transfers): WFBIUS6S

Contact Phone Number (if needed): 813-489-9615
Business Contact Email (if needed):

After your wire is sent, please email us at to confirm.

Upon receipt of your wire & email, we will begin onboarding for the ATS or Lifetime product you purchased.

Let us know if you have any questions via email at

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